
The Impact of Disruptive Ad Breaks

Disruptive ad breaks are a growing problem, largely due to the addition of ads to channels or publishers that weren’t initially designed to support them.

For example, with the shift to hybrid video on demand (HVOD), some content providers who haven’t previously had ads on their platforms have added ad-supported tiers. Similarly, some TV shows were developed for platforms that never had ads but are now adding them. FAST channels are stitching together on-demand content to create a linear-like environment. And user-generated and short-form content was mostly not developed to pause for ad breaks, but in many cases, it must now accommodate ads so that the platforms that publish that kind of content can thrive.

All of these scenarios are contributing to a rise in interruptive ad breaks. FreeWheel’s Viewer Experience Lab, an initiative to help media companies foster high-quality ad-supported video experiences, shows that not only are viewers frustrated, but there are negative effects on brands placed in content that doesn’t have natural ad breaks.

The Impact of Disruptive Ad Experiences on Viewers

Viewers get frustrated when an ad drops in at a random moment — not at a well-chosen break in the story. Seventy-one percent of viewers are bothered by unnatural ad breaks, and 39% are bothered a lot.

The Viewer Experience Lab study found that ads didn’t undermine enjoyment for viewers. In fact, ad breaks can even benefit users by providing a mental reset.

However, unnatural ad breaks are suboptimal. Viewers rated ads 16% more intrusive when they didn’t come naturally.

The Impact of Interruptive Ads on Brands

Brands suffer when ads come at unexpected moments. The study found that brands airing in disruptive ad breaks had 14% lower unaided recall of ad and 15% lower aided recall.

Brand quality is also harmed by disruptive ad breaks. Viewers rated brands 5% lower in quality if they appeared in a show with disruptive ad breaks.

How AI Can Improve Ad-Supported Video Experiences

With the shift to streaming, ad break structures aren’t as uniform as they used to be. AI and machine learning are well positioned to determine cue points, which are markers that can trigger ad breaks.

Some tools can efficiently scan video content, including words, actions, and objects to determine optimal placement for breaks that don’t disrupt the content. That way, media companies can support the viewer experience, while generating the ad revenue they need.

The Importance of Prioritizing Viewer Experience

Regardless of how publishers identify ad breaks and what technology they use, this research shows the importance of having ad breaks that feel natural in the context of programming. Brands should prioritize working with publishers who are thoughtful about how and where they place ad breaks since those that feel more disruptive can leave audiences feeling confused and frustrated, ultimately lessening the quality of their viewing experience.

For more info on how disruptive ads affect the viewer experience and how media companies can use emerging technologies to overcome the challenge, download the FreeWheel Viewer Experience Lab’s latest report, and visit here to access all of the research.