Why Multiscreen TV Is a Full-Funnel Performance Engine and Why Great Data Is the Key to Meaningful Results
TV has always excelled at driving brand awareness, but as it has extended across screens and platforms, it’s finally getting recognition as the full-funnel performance driver it has always been. Much of this is due to the rich data that is now available to be utilized in TV advertising to better structure ad campaigns and measure this performance.
Our latest report, in partnership with the FreeWheel Council for Premium Video, looks to highlight how TV – in all its forms – is a true performance driver, engaging audiences and delivering measurable results throughout the entire marketing funnel. Through insights and case studies, the report demonstrates how multiscreen TV can be used to drive performance goals for advertisers, throughout each section of the funnel – from increasing awareness, to driving consideration, and culminating with a consumer action.
Download Beyond Branding: Why Multiscreen TV Is a Full-Funnel Performance Engine to discover how to harness multiscreen TV to drive actionable results throughout the entire marketing funnel.
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